Previous Sales

2023 Ram Sale Summary


Our 18th ram sale saw a return of long-term buyers, as well as new buyers, with the 2022 drop rams being sold into 4 states and studs throughout Australia, with the sale’s top price of $8,500 being reached twice, to an average of $3,427, with 49 rams selling for $2,000 and less, making great value for ram buyers on the day. 

The 1st sale topping ram, LM221204, was purchased by Gerald and Claudette Woodhouse, Myack Poll Merinos, Tarcutta. The RP 190072, 13 months old son, had ASBVs in the top 5% of the breed a +193 Merino Production Plus index (MP+) and a Yearling Clean Fleece Weight (YCFW) of +36.6. He had a yearling fibre diameter of -2.4. placing him in the top 10% of the breed as well as the top 20% for a wool production index of +158.

Mr Woodhouse said, LM 211204 had great character and his wool was one of the best he’d seen. “The wool is just magnificent, he has a 16.5micron fibre diameter and its bright, white and soft, “he said. We’re in a 26–28-inch rainfall area so we need to keep our wool on the finer side. We have 300 stud ewes, mostly sired by Lachlan 190007, so I’ll try and join him to about 80 of them in the 1st week in December.”

Long term client, Scott Gibson, Baldry, purchased the 2nd sale topping ram, 12-month-old son LM 221211, for $8,500. Also sired by RP 190072, the ram had ASBVs if +44.8 YCFW, placing him in the top 1% if the breed. He was also in the top 5% of the breed for a MP+ of +198 and the top 20% for Wool Production Index at +154, and a 18.3 micron fibre diameter. 

While Mr Gibson runs a self-replacing merino flock with 1400 breeding ewes on lighter country, he has recently begun breeding his own rams. “Out of personal interest and satisfaction, I’ve started to breed a few rams at home and am enjoying the challenge,” he said. LM 221221 is a well-balanced ram, with good quality wool and carcase shape, so he’ll do just wonders for us.”

Volume and long-term buyers, the Jones Family, Condobolin, purchased 34 rams to a top of $7,000, to average $4060. His top ram, LM 221039, 13-month-old ET bred son of LM200742, had ASBVs in the top 5% of the breed for a 11.3 Post Weaning Weight and +12.2 Yearling weight. 

When selecting for their draft, they look for structure and well-nourished wool. The rams perform well on our country and we’re very happy with them. We’re really pleased with the results of the 2023 Australian Merino Production Trial, with our wethers having the highest body and carcase weight, out of 50 teams, from 35 different bloodlines, including Dohnes.

The Taylor Family, Caragabal purchased 12 rams to a top of $5,000, to average $3,145.

Maree Stockmann, Gubbata, purchased 12 rams to a top of $5,500, to average $3,458.

The Knight Family, Grenfell, purchased 8 rams to a top of $5,000, to average $3,750.

The sale was conducted by Nutrien, Dubbo and online via AuctionsPlus. 

John Settree, Nutrien stud stock, Dubbo, was the auctioneer.

2023 Sale Catalogue

Lachlan Merinos 2023 Presale Update

Lachlan Merinos 2023 Ram Sale Videos

Lachlan Merinos 2022 Pre Sale Video

Lachlan Merinos 2022 Post Sale Videos

2022 Ram Sale Summary


Our 17th ram sale was strong, with a new record for top price ram, achieving a 98% clearance, average of $4492, & selling to stud & commercial clients in NSW, VIC, QLD, WA & TAS, with 52 rams selling for $2000 or less, accommodating for all price levels, giving great value for money! The top price ram, LM210820, sold for $80,000, purchased by Mianelup Poll Merinos, WA.

The price tag was even more significant, as210820 is a spring drop ram, still with his lambs’ teeth. Sired by PB160612, the PP ram measured 18.5 mic, 2.5 SD, 13.5 CV, CF 99.9, EMD 44.5, FAT 6.5. His PWT 3.6, YWT 5.5,Y CFW 21.5, fibre diameter-0.5, DP+ 173. He featured excellent follicle density while still pushing out 95mm of wool at 6 months. Elliott Richardson, Mianelup Poll Merinos said seeing the ram 1st hand, convinced him to bid.“ People who I talk to about sheep said they saw good things from Lachlan Merinos at Bendigo,” he said.“ So, I flew over and had a look for myself.

The top price lot particularly impressed me. He is such a well-balanced ram with great wool quality and quantity, & strong physical aspects as well.” Mr Richardson said more than wool & structure appealed to him. He is very well bred, & his genetics are breeding well,” he said. “His Mum bred the best ram at last year’s sale &in my opinion, the best ram at this year’s sale.“ We are going to use him for artificial insemination of 200 ewes, on three or four donor ewes for embryo transfer & put him in the field too.

Glen Rubie was pleased with the result, “Buyers are seeing that we are producing sheep that are productive & well built. “Even though we have numbers on our sheep, we put a strong emphasis on body shape, which is very important. Mr Rubie said, the top price ram has a lot going for it, a heavy cutting white wool, good staple and a solid carcase as well.

A lot of rams have one or the other, but this ram has both! We’re excited to see what progeny LM210820 will breed. His dam, ET bred LM180744, continues to breed elite stud sires, including Lot 1A, Lot 10, and in 2021, bred our stud reserve, LM200102.“She continues to perform when joined to a range of different sires. The second top price ram, Lot 10, LM210827, 13 month old, is a

full embryo flush to the top price lot, & sold for $12,000 to Gerald, Claudette & Lachlan Woodhouse, of Myack Poll Merino Stud.

He measured 18.4 MIC, SD 2.5, CV 13.6 & CF 99.8, EMD 46.5, FAT 7, while also producing a massive staple length, with width and with good eye muscle depth. “He has good, white wool and is a very correct ram. It is our 9thyear buying rams from Lachlan Merinos & what they have done to our flock is outstanding. They have improved our sheep’s wool & frame size,” said Mr Woodhouse.

 2021 Ram Sale 

Lachlan Merinos 2021 Pre Sale 

2021 Annual Ram Sale Videos

2021 Ram Sale Summary

Producers chasing productive rams with carcase shape, wool cut, constitution, and good confirmation flocked to the 16th annual Lachlan Merinos Ram Sale at Forbes Showgrounds last Wednesday, where a top of $18,000 was reached.

Overall, the Rubie family of the Warroo-based stud sold 160 rams for a full clearance and average of $4818, as well as another 70 grade rams at $1500 sold on the day. Rams sold at all price points, from
$1500 up, with both repeat clients and new buyers from Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia and throughout the Tablelands and Western regions of NSW operating on the quality draft. In the break- down, 135 Poll Merino rams sold to the $18,000 top and averaged $4852, and 25 Merino rams sold to a
$7500 top and averaged $4711.

The $18,000 top-priced ram was purchased by Michael Wright of Rhodes Pastoral Pty Ltd, Dinninup, Western Australia with the bold-bid placed over the phone through Elders stud stock agent Scott Thrift, Dubbo. The top-priced ram was Lachlan 200850, a 12/13-month-old, 19.1-micron son of Lachlan 180743 that had fleece measurements of 2.8 SD, 14.7 CV and 99.6% CF. Returning to buy from the Lachlan stud, Rhodes Pastoral join around 22,000 Merino ewes and own their own feedlot in which they finish their own lambs. "This is the fifth year they've bought from here... They were chasing carcase and an early maturing type, with good skins and white, waxy wools," Mr Wright said.
Targeting a 20-micron fleece, Mr Wright said they first got onto Lachlan genetics as they looked to increase the size and growth rates of their sheep. "We went to the South West Slopes Merino field days a few years ago and found Lachlan wool was similar to what we were after - bold, heavy crimping, wool and heavy cutting - but they also had the size," he said. "We wanted to inject size and quicker growth rates in wethers for finishing, without compromising on the type of wool. "This fellow has body size, is uncomplicated, stands well and is a beautiful looking animal and will be a good addition to our nucleus flock we produce our own rams from." "We have been running that for nine years and this year we had about 100 two-tooth rams that were really good that will go back over our commercial sheep.

The Rhodes purchase had a post weaning weight (PWT) of 5.6, a yearling weight (YWT) of 6.5, a yearling clean fleece weight (YCFW) of 27.4, a yearling fibre diameter (YFD) of -1.7, a Dual Purpose Plus Index (DP+) of 165 and a Merino Production Plus Index (MP+) of 166.
It was the first time the Lachlan stud had Australian Sheep Breeding Value (ASBVs) on all the rams offered in the draft, which was well-received by clients.

"It is the first year we've offered the rams with figures, and it has been really positive, Lachlan 140179 has provided good linkage. With his ASBV’s, (PWT) 7.9 top 10pc, (YWT) 9.9 top 10pc, YCFW 50.5 top 1pc, (YFD) -1.2, (MP+) 201 top 1pc, (DP+) 190 top 5pc, it will be exciting to see how these measurements will furthermore enhance the breeding at Lachlan Merinos" Mitch Rubie of Lachlan Merinos said. "Our older clients are learning the ropes with the figures, but it certainly brought new clients in." With good growth, fleece weight and great micron reducing ability, Mitch said the main attribute of the top-ram was his carcase.

Glen Rubie said the stud drew in several new clients that were "wanting good structure and feet". Five rams sold at the second top price of $7500.Buying from the Rubies since their first sale, Kevin, and Therese Welsh of Eugowra, purchased one of the second high-selling rams, Lachlan 200721, as part of their draft of three rams at a $7167 average. Sired by PB180137, the twin-born 18.6-micron ram had fleece measurements of 2.7 for SD, 14.5pc for CV and 99.6pc CF. He ranked in the top 10pc for YCFW (30.2) and top 20pc for PWT, YWT, YFD, DP+ and MP+Queensland based Victoria Downs Merino Stud, Morven, picked up two new sires, paying a top of $7500 for Lachlan 200099, and average of $6500, while Andrew and Di Parsons, St George, selected a draft of seven averaging $1929.
The largest volume buyers were M and L Ellis, who bought 22 for a $4341 average, and Mark Jones of, Condobolin, who secured 20 rams at a $5550 average.

Chasing size and nourishment, Mr Jones has been buying Lachlan Merino rams for 20 years now for his flock of 2500 Merino ewes which average a 20-micron fleece with an average wool cut across the flock of nine kilograms. "We are chasing a dual-purpose type, with good wools and good meat," Mr Jones said. "Recently we had wethers cut 9kg of wool at nine months, and we sold them for $210 a head through the yards so we did the sums and they returned $280 a head. "We also had 12-month-old cull ewes off shears, unjoined, sell for $310/hd in the yards. They cut seven kilograms of wool at nine months."

Other significant purchasers were Westbury Pastoral Company, Temora, 12 rams at a $5000 average, the Knight family of, Gooloogong, 11 rams at a $5545 average, and Flick Estates, Cumnock, 10 rams at a $5500 average. Seventy grade rams sold after the sale, with more available over the next two months.

Proud of their 2021 sale draft, Glen Rubie said the stud is continuing to grow with the biggest breeding program, incorporating extensive embryo transfer and artificial insemination work, taking place recently.

"They are productive sheep that grow wool and supply meat," he said. "We have invested a lot into growing our numbers and have done DNA on the rams to help provide more measurement and selection tools to our clients.

"We will have the most rams to prepare for next year, and if we know people want more rams, we will put more up because we believe the depth in quality is there." The sale was conducted by Elders and Nutrien with auctioneers Paul Jameson, Elders and John Settree, Nutrien, sharing the duties.

Lachlan Merinos Retains 50% Semen Marketing Rights, Unless Negotiated

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